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Forenübersicht » Marktplatz » 300 ZX - Legend of the 90s Buchübersetzung komplett in englischer Sprache

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Werner Elsner ist offline Werner Elsner  
300 ZX - Legend of the 90s Buchübersetzung komplett in englischer Sprache
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Das im November 2023 erschienene deutschsparachige Buch "300 - ZX Legende der 90iger Jahre" wurde übersetzt.
Anbei ein paar Informationen zum Buch "300 ZX - Legend of the 90s" – Englische Version
The book "300 ZX - Legend of the 90s" was published in February 2024.
It is the translation of the German-language book of the same name published in November: 300 ZX - Legende der 90iger Jahre.


300 ZX Z32 - One of the most popular sports cars in the world in a 200-page book with approx. 300 photos on more than 100 color pages.

__________________Hardcover________________ Softcover
ISBN: _____________978-3-384-13734-0_________978-3-384-13763-0
Format:____________(21.0 x 29.7 cm____________17.0 x 24.0 cm
___________________8.3 * 11.7 inches___________6.7 * 9.4 inches
Pages in color:_______100_______________________100
Publisher:___________tredition GmbH_____________tredition GmbH
Date:_______________February 2024_____________February 2024

Free shipping (in Germany) and fast delivery available directly from the publisher:

With a longer delivery time, of course, also available in online bookshops at Amazon, Hugendubel, Weltbild, Thalia, Booklooker, Google Books and in every well-stocked bookshop.

A look inside the book
https://shop.tredition.com/booktitle/300_ZX_-_Lege...86-435- 676

300 ZX - Legend of the 90s in 200-page hardcover format with approx. 300 photos on more than 100 color pages.

One of the most popular sports cars in the world comes from Japan:

The Nissan 300 ZX.


This Far Eastern "Ferrari" combines super equipment and exclusive design.
Classic sports car styling, a beefy six-cylinder engine, powerful handling and a wealth of equipment are the 300 ZX's weapons.

The 300 ZX is a model from the most successful sports car series, the Z series. The success story of the Z series began with the legendary Datsun 240 Z. The development led via the 260, 280 and 300 Z and ZX models to the 300 ZX Twin Turbo.

The Nissan 300 ZX (Z 32) was ranked as "One of the ten best cars" by the US magazine "Car & Driver" for seven consecutive years from 1990.
The fascination exuded by the Nissan 300 ZX can only be understood by those who know, own or drive the Nissan 300 ZX Twin Turbo.

It is an exceptionally beautiful car that still attracts admiring glances today, even after 30 years

Press reviews:
Perfect handling - Smooth lines
Thoroughbred top performance - Excitingly
beautiful - Racy super sports car
A bolide - Discreet elegance
As powerful as it looks:
Nissan's Porsche fright


It is an exceptionally beautiful car that still attracts admiring glances today, even after 30 years.

On 200 pages, the history of the 300 ZX Twin Turbo is told, the differences to the predecessor 300 ZX are emphasized, the development of the individual models is presented and comparisons with other sports cars are described.
In addition to nostalgia, art, motorsport, special models, tuning, chip tuning, body kits, model cars and US models, checkpoints are shown and the value of the 300 ZX is presented.
Many tables and graphics on the Z series round off the topic.
A book for lovers of fast cars, sports cars and classic cars.

Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von Werner Elsner am 09.02.2024 - 15:25.
Beitrag vom 09.02.2024 - 15:13
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