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Reinhard ist offline Reinhard  
EU-Z-Club Site
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Reinhard`s alternatives Ego
Post from Sándor (Z-Club Hungary):

Ahoi Reinhard !

As I have mentioned in personally, I have been working on an Eu Z Club net
site for the benefit of all European Z community.

The basic site is up and operational since yesterday with the content of
three national Z club fellowships (Austrian, French and Hungarian).

However our work is not finished yet .... and I am still going to need
every singe your help I could find for helping me aout with the promotion
advertising and more content development.

You gave me two German site address (www.300zx.de and www.z32.de) who are
around your area.

I sent an introductory letters to all European z bosses ( I know of) and
explained the purpose and the role of the new site, and asked them about
their content contribution too. I am well aware that everyone has
limitations, but without common sence to our project my time and all of
the other's effort would be waste of time.

Therefore I would really appreciate if you would help me in mobilising
those two German Z club bosses ask them to go and visit the site
www.z-club-net.com and than contact me to work out how and when would they
be able to put togeather their club introduction, event and news details..

Naturally all contribution is welcomed by every Z fellow, who has
interesting Z content ....

First I would like you to ask them to create a link back to the EU site
(www.eu-z-club-net.com), than help to promote it while
you meet Z fellows and sister Z club bosses and ask them for visit the
site and send me content ...if they have one. (in English)

Perhaps you could contribute with some stuff too, after when you came back
from a Z event, or get hold of any Z relation news. Nothing really serious
...just 10-15 line + pictures (your wife could help in the wording ....or
me too ...as I did for the Austrians too) Just go and visit and see the
site yourself!

The content is the essence of a site therefore we need as
many fellow artickles and contributions as possible...because we have to
catch the interest of the z fellows of Europe and buid the reputation for
being the central information source in Z related subjects.

Therefore I would also like to attract, mobilise, introduce and link Z
tuning, service, parts providers from all over Europe too ....for widening
the info selection. ( if you know someone who may wants to join our site??)

So the work is just began .... and I would really appreciate your
help in the promotion and little organisation as one of the EU Z fellow
owners of the Eu site !?

Thanks and regards

Beitrag vom 19.07.2005 - 09:49
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 EU-Z-Club Site
Reinhard 19.07.2005 - 09:49

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