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Selin Dual MAF Translator

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The Selin Design Dual MAF Translator makes it easier than ever to perform a proper dual intake conversion. With true dual MAF air intake metering and plug-n-play installation this product allows you to upgrade to a dual intake without the need for an ECU re-flash. You could install one in the morning and take it for a cruise that afternoon. Even better, if you have the classic dummy MAF setup and have been considering upgrading to a true dual MAF, the product is DIP switch selectable to work properly with dual pop tuned ECUs.

The design includes high quality OEM female connectors with the more modern quick release latch. The circuit enclosure features a molded in place male connector to make connection to your wiring harness easy and completely reversible. No need to run wires, cut, splice or solder… just snap it in place and you’re done! Everything is molded from glass filled polyamide plastic for strength and longevity in the harsh automotive environment. Inside the case, the circuit board is rubber encapsulated to protect against water and moisture as well as combat vibration. Combined with the seals on the connectors the unit can be considered splash resistant. The mounting bracket tucks the unit away conveniently next to the filters with factory fit and finish.

At redline the 300ZX fires 350 cylinders per second. The translator’s ultra fast processor updates the output signal over 1000 times per second to ensure the most accurate and up to date information is available to the ECU at all times. In addition, each unit is individually serialized and tested during manufacture to ensure 1% or better accuracy across the entire operating range. Flow bench testing in the “ADD” configuration shows incredibly accurate metering to over 800CFM! The “AVERAGE” setting in combination with a classic dual pop chip doubles that figure for truly wild setups.

An extended harness option is available for those who need to mount their filters and mass air units beneath the headlights for FMIC installations.

Z1 offers the Selin Dual MAF Translator as part of a our Z32 dual intake package HERE.


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