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Forenübersicht » Meetings / Große Treffen » 04.09. - 06.09.15 -- 30 Jahre Z-ZX-Club Holland

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Brodie ist offline Brodie  
04.09. - 06.09.15 -- 30 Jahre Z-ZX-Club Holland
189 Beiträge - Hardcoreposter
Brodie`s alternatives Ego
Hallo JungZ,

ich hatte es auf dem FOJ ja schon kurz angesprochen.
Der Z und ZX Club Holland feiert sein 30jähriges Bestehen wieder mit einem großen Treffen.

Termin: 04.09.15 - 06.09.15
Ort: Assen - Holland

Mehr Infos (auf Holländisch): http://z-zxclub.nl/news/228
ganz nach unten scrollen...

Im "Fremdforum" hat der Peter auch Infos in Englisch und das Anmeldeformular:
http://www.zx-club.de/treffen-u-s-w/8/30-jahre-zx-...land/89 15/

Das Treffen vor 5 Jahren zum 25jährigen war wirklich super organisiert inkl. Rennstrecke und Fahrtraining. klatschen
Auch diesmal gibt es wohl wieder ein Fahrtraining, diesmal im Funpark Meppen. cool
Würde mich freuen, einige von euch zu sehen...

Beitrag vom 25.06.2015 - 11:24
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Brodie ist offline Brodie  
189 Beiträge - Hardcoreposter
Brodie`s alternatives Ego
Da ich keine Ahnung habe, wie ich hier ein Word-Dokument einbinden kann, habe ich den Text einfach mal rauskopiert... grinsen

Dear Z-ZX friends,

As you already have been notified the Z & ZX Club Holland celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. We will celebrate this event from 4th September until 6th September 2015.

As you might expect we like to celebrate this with all Z & ZX lovers from all over and therefore we like to invite you for this happening. In case you would like to participate or need extra information please contact us by e-mail evenementen@z-zxclub.nl

Program in short
Friday 4th September
As from 1:00 pm the reception/registration of the first guests at the campsite will take place. The exact location is Vakantiepark (Holiday park) Witterzomer, Witterzomer 7 at Assen (Drenthe). You will find a big Z-club tent at the camping site, which serves as the general meeting point. At this place we will also enjoy our meals and get-togethers. During this day we can catch up with each other and enjoy a buffet dinner. Drinks are not included; you can buy tokens at the Z-club tent. From 1:00 pm until 4:30 pm the reception will be open at the Z-club tent for registration and obtaining drink-tokens. At 6:00 pm and we will have dinner.

Saturday 5th September
At 8:00 am breakfast is served at the Z-club tent. At 9:30 am we will leave for a tour through the beautiful villages and roads of Drenthe and Friesland, bring your camera! In the afternoon we will enjoy sport and games for all ages. At around 6:00 pm a BBQ is organized. Drinks are not included, you can buy tokens on the site.

Sunday 12th September
At 8:00 an early-breakfast is served at the Z-club tent. All together and all at once we will leave for FunPark Meppen at 10:00 am. At 11:30 am the program by Advanced Driving School (ADS) will start. During this day our driving skills will be greatly improved. You can also visit the Race Park Meppen, please visit http://www.funpark-meppen.de/ for more information. We will have an award ceremony and closing of the total event at 5:00 pm.

The costs will be € 75,00 for 1 car + 2 persons. Children will be € 20,00 additional and an extra guest will be € 25,00. This includes membership of our club until 1st June 2016. With this membership you can enter the FORUM and you will receive our 4 monthy clubmagazine, all in the Dutch language ofcourse.

During the event all meals are included, drinks will be charged at reduced rates. Lodging expenses are not included. In case you would like to put up your tent or camper at Vakantiepark Witterzomer the costs will be € 12,50 per person per night, pets € 5,00 per night. Booking can be done via evenementen@z-zxclub.nl. You can also rent a bungalow at Vakantiepark Witterzomer. In case you need any assistance in booking, please contact one of the persons mentioned below.

The payment must have been done before 5th august 2015 at
ING-Bank, IBAN NL64INGB0003979457
BIC INGBNL2A in the name of Z&ZX Club Holland
please mention your name and contact details

You are very welcome to join us in celebrating our 30th anniversary. Your entry can be sent to evenementen@z-zxclub.nl, please use the registration form which is enclosed in this letter, or you can contact one of the persons mentioned below. Please do so before 5th August. And please make sure the dues are paid before 5th august 2015.

Heine Zeeman at +31 365300801 /  evenementen@z-zxclub.nl
Jeroen de Jong at +31 653224369

Kind regards

Board of the club & event committee
Z & ZX Club Holland
Beitrag vom 25.06.2015 - 11:30
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Reinhard ist offline Reinhard  
1332 Beiträge - Alleswisser
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Hier ist die
und das
als PDF, für das Jubiläumstreffen "30 Jahre Z & ZX Club Holland"

Wer von euch fährt denn auch dahin?
Die Holland Treffen waren auch immer sehr schön, ich war 2000 in Zandvoort & 2010 in Assen dabei!

LG Reinhard
Beitrag vom 30.07.2015 - 20:51
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